After carefully putting together our 2010 Household Budget, I decided to start using cash for buying things like Groceries, Hair Cuts, Etc. I've heard that when you have to hand over that hard-earned cash instead of just sliding the debit card mindlessly through the machine, you tend to spend less! Well, I'm all about saving money so I decided that it can't hurt to try! Then I came across a Tweet (I've met so many cool Moms on Twitter!) with a link to a FREE envelope template that was created to work with my new cash system. Click
here to see Kelleigh's blog and the easy instructions for making your own envelopes. Have fun creating! P.S. I'm sorry that the quality of the photos is not so great. My hubby is using my camera today so I had to resort to the camera on my Blackberry!
The finished envelopes fit perfectly in my wallet
A little different from Kelleigh's design - I put dividers in one envelope for all 4 weeks of
grocery money instead of 4 separate envelopes.
I made a total of 3 envelopes: Groceries, Fun (eating out, etc) & Miscellaneous (like trips to Michaels or JoAnns :~)
I just love the finished product! I added ribbon to mine so that my hard-earned cash doesn't slip out! Thanks again Kelliegh for taking the time to share this awesome & FREE envelope template with us :~)
SO cute!! I love the addition of the ribbon! Adorable!